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Introduction to the basics of eukaryotic cell structure and physiology with an emphasis on the function and importance of organelles.

Systematic study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body at cellular, tissue, and gross levels.

Systematic study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body at cellular, tissue, and gross levels.

A continuation of Anatomy and Physiology I.

A continuation of Anatomy and Physiology I.

Comparative systemic vertebrate anatomy emphasizing structure and function.

Comparative systemic vertebrate anatomy emphasizing structure and function.

A multi-disciplinary approach to examining the impact of infectious diseases on human populations. Current persistent, epidemic and emerging diseases and how they are identified, studied and combatted will be discussed. Topics will also include the sociological, psychological, historical, legal…

Lectures, readings, and discussion of topics related to a central theme of special interest in the field of cellular biology. Scientific communication will be emphasized, and visits to laboratories may be scheduled. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester.

Regional study of human anatomy at the gross level.

Introduction to fundamental principles of human reproduction, including molecular, cellular, and physiological processes. Gender differentiation, embryology, prenatal testing, pregnancy/birth, hormonal/nonhormonal contraceptives, social issues concerning reproduction, and artificial reproductive…

Cell differentiation and morphogenesis, primarily in animal development. Gene regulation at the molecular level, gametogenesis, fertilization, normal embryonic development, cell and tissue interactions, hormonal regulation, and developmental aspects of cancer and the immune response

Structure and function of cells: cell architecture and organization, cell cycle, membrane phenomena, organellogenesis, energy transduction, and cellular control mechanisms.

Structure and function of cells: cell architecture and organization, cell cycle, membrane phenomena, organellogenesis, energy transduction, and cellular control mechanisms.

Cell biology research techniques in cell cycle and cell differentiation, cell adhesion, motility, molecular transport, and cell metabolism. Cell culture, cell fractionation, fluorescence and laser-confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry, DNA isolation, polymerase chain…

Principles of integrative systems physiology, emphasizing humans and current mammalian animal research models. Organismal homeostasis, including cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, digestive, and reproductive systems. Emphasis on the integrative actions of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Structural organization, cell biology, physiology, development, and integration of the nervous system. This course integrates individual nervous system cells into neural systems for motivation, locomotion, perception, and learning.


Introduces methods and reinforces concepts discussed in Neurobiology. In addition, gross anatomy dissection, computer simulation of neuronal electrophysiology, as well as electrophysiological experiments in non-mammalian subjects will be included.

Immunology from an experimental perspective. Anatomy, development, and function of the immune system. Immune system in infectious diseases. Mechanisms and pathogenesis of immunological disorders. Evolution of immunological concepts.


Examination of the impact of biomedical research in human health and disease. Students will be expected to master the concept of how scientific research is done, and the various mechanisms by which biomedical research has impacted individuals and the societies in which they live.

Examination of the impact of biomedical research in human health and disease. Students will be expected to master the concept of how scientific research is done, and the various mechanisms by which biomedical research has impacted individuals and the societies in which they live.

Biological processes accompanying aging in human and other organisms. Emphasis on physiological decline; theoretical explanations; attempts to prolong life; and the utility and limitations of model systems used to analyze human aging.


Parasites are responsible for classical tropical diseases and emerging opportunistic infections in the United States. We will discuss the biology of parasites, their vectors and hosts, and the diseases they cause, emphasizing modern molecular concepts. The class will also cover epidemiology,…

Protists (algae, protozoa, and zoosporic fungi) with an emphasis on cell structure, evolution, and life histories. Laboratories will concentrate on examination of living and fixed materials and will include methods of isolation and culturing of protists.

Protists (algae, protozoa, and zoosporic fungi) with an emphasis on cell structure, evolution, and life histories. Laboratories will concentrate on examination of living and fixed materials and will include methods of isolation and culturing of protists.

Vertebrate endocrinology and the principles of chemical integration, emphasizing the physiology of regulatory mechanisms and the cellular and molecular bases of hormone action.


Individual study, reading, or laboratory research directed by faculty of the Cellular Biology department. 


Oral and written evaluation of original papers and reviews in cellular biology directed by a member of the department faculty.


Individual study, reading, or laboratory research directed by faculty of the Cellular Biology department. 


Independent laboratory research directed by departmental faculty members. Two semesters may fulfill the departmental techniques requirement.


Individual study, reading, or laboratory research directed by faculty of the cellular biology department.


Capstone course required of all Cellular Biology majors usually taken in the fourth year or after completion of core requirements of the major. Presentation and discussion of current research in specific topic areas of cellular biology.


Preparation of Honors thesis under supervision of departmental faculty.


Instrument theory and theory of specimen preparation for both transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Fundamentals of X-ray microanalysis, image processing, and image analysis.


Operation of both transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscopes (SEM). Preparation of specimens (ultramicrotomy, critical point drying, negative staining) for examination in both TEM and SEM. Basics of X-ray microanalysis.


Immunology from an experimental perspective. Anatomy, development, and function of the immune system. Immune system in infectious diseases. Mechanisms and pathogenesis of immunological disorders. Evolution of immunological concepts.


Introduces new Cellular Biology graduate students to research in the department, to research facilities, to the Science Library, and to laboratory safety. Professional ethics and responsibilities.


Biological processes accompanying aging in human and other organisms. Emphasis on physiological decline; theoretical explanations; attempts to prolong life; and the utility and limitations of model systems used to analyze human aging.


Parasites are responsible for classical tropical diseases and emerging opportunistic infections in the United States. We will discuss the biology of parasites, their vectors and hosts, and the diseases they cause, emphasizing modern molecular concepts. The class will also cover epidemiology,…

Protists (algae, protozoa, and zoosporic fungi) with an emphasis on cell structure, evolution, and life histories. Laboratories will concentrate on examination of living and fixed materials and will include methods of isolation and culturing of protists.

Protists (algae, protozoa, and zoosporic fungi) with an emphasis on cell structure, evolution, and life histories. Laboratories will concentrate on examination of living and fixed materials and will include methods of isolation and culturing of protists.

Vertebrate endocrinology and the principles of chemical integration, emphasizing the physiology of regulatory mechanisms and the cellular and molecular bases of hormone action.


Research while enrolled for a master's degree under the direction of faculty members.

Instrument theory and theory of specimen preparation for both transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Fundamentals of X-ray microanalysis, image processing, and image analysis.


Operation of both transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscopes (SEM). Preparation of specimens (ultramicrotomy, critical point drying, negative staining) for examination in both TEM and SEM. Basics of X-ray microanalysis.


Thesis writing under the direction of the major professor.

This course provides opportunities for senior Cellular Biology graduate students to obtain supervised, documented experience in preparing and delivering lectures and/or leading discussions.

Molecular cell biology emphasizing experimental approaches that have led to our current understanding of cellular architecture, macromolecular components and how they influence cell function.

Modern microscopical techniques: brightfield, phase, DIC, fluorescence, confocal, scanning tunneling, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Related techniques: X-ray microanalysis photomicrography, and image analysis and processing.

Modern microscopical techniques: brightfield, phase, DIC, fluorescence, confocal, scanning tunneling, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Related techniques: X-ray microanalysis photomicrography, and image analysis and processing.

Current research in cellular biology. Emphasis on subdisciplinary subjects of cell and molecular biology, developmental biology, molecular parasitology, immunology, cellular neurobiology, and related areas.

An overview of the principles of effective communication in the format of a research grant, manuscript, thesis/dissertation, abstract, short talk, research lecture, and class lecture. Opportunities for students to practice communication skills are provided in the weekly writing, speaking, and…

Immunology with emphasis on underlying mechanisms of development and function of the immune system. Students will critically evaluate current literature and design experiments to test hypotheses.

Experimental analysis of invertebrate and vertebrate development.

Structure and function of living cells. Biological questions, molecular mechanisms, and experimental approaches.

Current cell biological research using sources in the primary literature.

Weekly discussion of current research in cell biology. Student presentations and development of public speaking skills.

Parasitism and host-parasite interactions from cell biological, immunological, biochemical and molecular biological perspectives. Major protozoan and helminth parasites of humans, and unique aspects of immunity to parasites and parasite cellular biochemistry and molecular genetics. The control…

Molecular genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry of parasites. Systems of unique significance to parasites will be emphasized.

Topics in parasitology and host-parasite interactions. Either cell biological/immunological or biochemical/molecular genetic aspects of parasites.

Student rotations in the research laboratories of faculty members. Not for thesis or dissertation.

Research while enrolled for a doctoral degree under the direction of faculty members.

Approved problems in cellular biology.

A weekly meeting to discuss primary literature in modern cell biology, developmental biology, and/or infectious diseases and molecular parasitology.

A weekly meeting of a faculty laboratory group where research progress and current literature are discussed.

Dissertation writing under the direction of the major professor.

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Associate Head: 
Dr. Cordula Schulz, 706-542-3515

Main office phone: 706-542-3310

Head of the Department: Dr. James Lauderdale