Requirements for a Major in Cellular Biology General Sciences Requisites: Mathematics: MATH 1113/E, 2200, 2250/E or 2300H Introductory Biology: BIOL 1107-1107L, BIOL 1108-1108L or BIO 2108H, BIO 2108L Introductory Chemistry: CHEM 1211-1211L or CHEM 1312H, CHEM 1212-1212L or CHEM 1312L Organic Chemistry: CHEM 2211-2211L, CHEM 2212-2212L, CHEM 2311H, CHEM 2311L , CHEM 2312H, CHEM 2312L Physics: PHYS 1111-1111L or 1211-1211L, PHYS 1112-1112L or PHYS 1212-1212L Cellular Biology Core Classes: Biochemistry: BCMB(BIOL) 3100 or BCMB 4010/6010 Genetics: GENE(BIOL) 3200/D or GENE 3200H Cell biology BIOL(CBIO) 3400 4th Year Seminar in Cell biology (CBIO) 4990 Choose one course from the following: Developmental Biology (CBIO) 3600, Neuroscience (CBIO) 3800, Immunology (CBIO) 4100D/6100D, Medical Parasitology (CBIO) 4500/6500 Cellular Biology Laboratory Requirements: 6 credits (2 semesters) of Faculty -Mentored Undergraduate Research (CBIO) 4980R 1 credit Laboratory Group Meeting (CBIO) 4040 Cellular Biology Electives: Choose three elective courses that have not been used to fulfill requirements elsewhere from the courses below. Two of the three courses must have a CBIO prefix. Students may use only one additional semester of research (CBIO 4960R, CBIO 4970, CBIO 4970R, CBIO 4980, CBIO 4980R) or thesis (CBIO 4990R) in this area. Electron Microscopy: BIOL(CBIO)(VPAT) 5040/7040 Electron Microscopy Laboratory: BIOL(CBIO) 5050L/7050L Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: CBIO 3000-3000L Functional Human Anatomy: CBIO 3010-3010L Laboratory in Cellar and Developmental Biology: CBIO 3410L Developmental Biology: CBIO 3600 Principles of Physiology: CBIO 3710 Neurobiology: CBIO 3800 Immunology: CBIO(MIBO)(IDIS) 4100/6100-4100D/6100D Biomedical Research in Health and Diease: CBIO 4200 or CBIO 4200H Biology of Aging: CBIO 4340/6340 Medical Parasitology: CBIO 4500/6500 Biology of Protists: CBIO(PBIO) 4600/6600 Endocrinology: CBIO 4730/6730 Introcuction to Computational Biology: CBIO(CSCI) 4835/6835 Faulty-Mentored Undergraduate Research I: CBIO 4960R Directed Reading: CBIO 4970 (3 hours) Faulty-Mentored Undergraduate Research II: CBIO 4970R Research in Cellular Biology: CBIO 4980 (3 hours) Faulty-Mentored Undergraduate Research III: CBIO 4980R Undergraduate Research Thesis ( or Final Project): CBIO 4990R Introduction to Computational Biology: CBIO(CSCI) 4835/6835 Genetic Approaches to Developmental Neuroscience: GENE(CBIO) 4310/6310 Introduction Microbiology: MIBO 3500 Human Physiology: PMCY 3000 Elements of Physiology: VPHY 3100