Image: Dr. Julie Stanton is one of three University of Georgia faculty members to be awarded the Russell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in 2022. Russell Awards recognize outstanding teaching by faculty early in their academic careers. Dr. Stanton has created, tested, revised, and retested 16 lessons in the style of process-oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL), an evidence-based approach to collaborative problem-solving. She has mentored 10 colleagues and nearly a dozen graduate teaching assistants to teach their own POGIL-style breakout sessions in SCALE-UP classrooms. She seeks to include students in all aspects of research, mentoring 21 UGA undergraduate researchers in her lab, 13 of whom are co-authors on published or submitted papers. “I have learned so much from outstanding teachers around me, but I have also learned to be myself in the classroom,” says Dr. Stanton. “I am a person who loves learning, values science, and has a deep desire to connect with other people. That is also who I am as a teacher.” 2022 Russell Undergraduate Teaching Awards